This is a series starring Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends as they battle Eggman. The series takes a light-hearted, satirical approached. It is a 3D show and seems to be aimed at a young audience (around 8-13) with some appeal for older fans of the series.
I have to admit that I have only seen some trailers and 2-minute snippets, and not a whole episode.
I did not expect to like this series at all, but was pleasantly surprised. For satire, this is decent. Some parts really did make me laugh.
If you are a fan of the Sonic universe, I recommend watching some of the 2-minute snippets online. You may like it.
This is also probably the best 3D incarnation of Sonic I have seen. Sonic doesn’t port well to 3D, which I hope to discuss in another post. But the humour and action is quite well-timed here.
The biggest problem I can see is that there’s no real, consistent conflict. Eggman is not a truly serious threat and works with the heroes as often as not (even once having them stay as guests at his newfound hotel/resort). I wonder if they couldn’t have made the conflict more genuine here.
I also don’t care for the side characters in the town. Focusing on the main cast would be better.
The “re-watch value” is also quite low.